Work Stealing Simulator


WS Simulator !!!

WS-Simulator is used to execute an application (list of tasks with or without dependencies), on a multiple processors platform linked by specific topology.

WS-Simulator is designed to be Simple and sufficiently flexible in order to simulate different Work Stealing models. Its flexibility aims to allow us to experiment with different Work Stealing algorithms, different topologies, different steal strategies and different types of application. The simulator should also generate a sufficient amount of logs for a detailed analysis each tested scenario

Way Using Simulations ?

The topology between processors and the mechanism of Work Stealinggenerate an interesting combinatorial problem. The Simulations is a good way to get an idea about this problem, For instance we use simulations to:

  • Observe what happens when we use the Work Stealing algorithm on distributed platforms
  • Understand how the algorithm behaves when the communication time between processors increases
  • Get an idea about the average completion time according to different parameters (communicationtime, number of processors, etc...)
  • Compare different strategies to reduce the overhead related to the communication time

Main objectives of WS-Simulator

The objective of our simulator consists in running different models of the Work Stealing algorithm. It executes an application on a platform, an application consists of a listof tasks with or without dependencies, and the platform consists of multiple processors linked by a specific topology. The simulator allows to execute a scenario with aspecific task on a specific platform. Then, it shows in details the results of each simulation. These results could be numerical (execution time, number of steal requests, etc...) or graphical (Gantt chart, real time execution etc...)